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  • 推荐20句英文的土味情话(英语土味情话怎么说)

    栏目: 说说 日期:2025-03-19 02:28:09 浏览量(来源:小戴



    1. You are my sun, my moon, and my stars in the sky.

    2. I love you more than words can say.

    3. You"re my everything, my heart, my soul.

    4. You make me feel like I"m the only person in the world.

    5. I"d do anything for you, just to make you smile.

    6. You"re my love, my life, my future.

    7. You"re my best friend, my confidant, my soulmate.

    8. You"re my treasure, my joy, my happiness.

    9. You"re my dream come true, my hope, my desire.

    10. You"re my heart, my mind, my soulmate.

    11. You"re my everything I ever wanted in life.

    12. You"re my love, my passion, my soul.

    13. You"re my world, my everything I care about.

    14. You"re my everything, my heart, my soul, my love.

    15. You"re my best friend, my confidant, my hero.

    16. You"re my dream, my hope, my future.

    17. You"re my love, my heart, my world.

    18. You"re my everything I ever wanted in life.

    19. You"re my soulmate, my best friend, my hero.

    20. You"re my love, my passion, my life.

    These are some of the English土味情话,表达爱意、欣赏和珍视之情。希望你喜欢!




    1. If I could be any person in the world, I"d be you, because you"re my best friend and my favorite person. 如果我能成为世界上任何一个人,那我就是你,因为你是我最好的朋友,也是我最喜欢的人。

    2. You"re my sunshine on a cloudy day. 你是我阴天里的阳光。

    3. Your smile is the radio that plays my heart. 你的微笑就像播放我心灵的广播。

    4. You"re my hero in disguise. 你是我装成英雄的样子。

    5. I"d rather spend one hour with you than face a thousand years of solitude. 我宁愿和你度过一小时,也不愿独自面对一千年。

    6. You"re my secret weapon. 你是我的秘密武器。

    7. You"re my comfort food. 你是我安慰心灵的食物。

    8. You"re the reason why I believe in love. 你是我相信爱的原因。

    9. You"re my rock, my anchor, my everything. 你是我心中的岩石、锚和我生命中的一切。

    10. You"re my little piece of heaven on earth. 你是我地球上的小天堂。

    11. You"re my favorite movie, the one that makes me laugh and cry. 你是我最喜欢的电影,让我又笑又哭的电影。

    12. You"re my secret code. 你是我的秘密代码。

    13. You"re my comfort zone. 你是我舒适区。

    14. You"re my adventure, my thrill, my everything. 你是我冒险、刺激和我生命中的一切。

    15. You"re my inspiration, my motivation, my love. 你是我灵感、动力和爱。

    16. You"re my treasure, my gem, my everything. 你是我珍宝、宝石和我生命中的一切。

    17. You"re my dream come true, my wish on a star. 你是我梦想成真,我心中的愿望。

    18. You"re my sunshine in winter. 你是我冬天的阳光。

    19. You"re my laughter, my tears, my everything. 你是我欢笑、泪水和我生命中的一切。

    20. You"re my forever, my love, my life. 你是我永远的爱、我的生命。

