1. I would travel far beyond the stars just to be with you.
2. You are much too far from me, but my heart is always near you.
3. My love for you extends far and wide, like an endless ocean.
4. No matter how far apart we are, our hearts will never be separated.
5. If I could, I"d go far out of my way every day just to see your smile.
6. Our distance may be far, but it can"t compare to how deeply I love you.
7. I would walk a thousand miles, which is so far, to hold you in my arms.
8. Your love has taken me far away from my old self into a better person.
9. Even if we"re far apart, my thoughts of you will always find their way back.
10. The distance between us seems so far, yet it feels like nothing when I think of you.
11. Love has no boundaries or limits; it goes as far as time and space allow.
12. Far away or right beside me, you are always on my mind and in my heart.
13. When you"re far away, I miss you more than words can express.
14. I would travel far and wide across the world just to spend one moment with you.
15. Though we may be far apart, please know that you"re always close to my heart.
16. No matter how far we are, I can still feel your presence around me.
17. I would go as far as the ends of the earth to prove my love for you.
18. Our love is strong enough to bridge any distance, no matter how far.
19. Even if we"re far apart, I"ll always cherish the memories we"ve made together.
20. I wish I could shorten this distance that seems so far, so I could hold you close again.
1. 你的笑容是我今天最美丽的风景。
2. 在所有的风景里,我最喜欢你。
3. 你是我的避风港,也是我的全世界。
4. 我愿意做你眼中最亮的那颗星,无论何时何地。
5. 你是我心中的暖阳,照耀我生活的每一处角落。
6. 你的一举一动,都让我心动不已。
7. 如果爱情是场游戏,那么你就是我的终极大奖。
8. 你是我生活中的氧气,没有你,我无法呼吸。
9. 你是我心中的诗,每一个字眼都是我对你的思念。
10. 你是我梦中的天使,带给我无尽的希望和喜悦。