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    栏目: 表白情话 日期:2025-01-15 00:30:56 浏览量(来源:小鲍

    [摘要]1、经典浪漫情话(一) 我想要的不多,只是每天多陪我那一下下。2、我写了万句情话,行行是你,不如一句,余生是你。3、给男朋友告白的话_表白情话_句子网, ...





    1. “但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。”

    "Wishing for the longevity of loved ones, even when a thousand miles apart, we share the beauty of the moon."

    2. “海内存知己,天涯若比邻。”

    "Within the sea there are confidants; even at the ends of the earth, we feel close as neighbors."

    3. “曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云。”

    "Once having witnessed the vast ocean, all waters seem trivial; apart from Wushan Mountain, no clouds are as beautiful."

    4. “众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处。”

    "Searching for him in the crowd countless times, I suddenly turn around, and find him by the dim light of the lantern."

    5. “衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴。”

    "As our belts gradually grow tight, I never regret it; for him, I endure weariness and憔悴."

    6. “红豆生南国,春来发几枝。”

    "Red beans are born in the southern lands; with the arrival of spring, how many branches will they sprout?"

    7. “愿我如星君如月,夜夜流光相皎洁。”

    "I wish to be like a star, you like the moon; our light intertwines each night, pure and bright."

    8. “相见时难别亦难,春风无力百花残。”

    "Meeting is difficult, parting is even harder; with the weak breeze, flowers wither away."

    9. “花自飘零水自流。一种相思,两处闲愁。”

    "Flowers drift on their own, water flows by itself. One kind of yearning, two places of sorrow."

    10. “执子之手,与子偕老。”

    "Grasping your hand, growing old with you."

    11. “一日不见如三秋。”

    "One day without seeing you feels like three autumns."

    12. “愿我如星君如月,夜夜流光相皎洁。”

    "I wish to be like a star, you like the moon; our light intertwines each night, pure and bright."

    13. “银烛秋光冷画屏,轻罗小扇扑流萤。”

    "With silver candles casting a cool glow on the painted screen, a delicate fan flutters to chase the fireflies."

    14. “在天愿作比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝。”

    "In heaven, I wish to be an eagle soaring with you; on earth, I wish to be a tree rooted together with you."

    15. “结发同枕席,黄泉共为友。”

    "Burying our heads together in our youth, even in death, we shall remain friends."

    16. “还君明珠双泪垂,恨不相逢未嫁时。”

    "Returning your precious pearl, tears fall的双颊;恨只恨,我们未成婚时未能相见。”

    17. “人生若只如初见,何事秋风悲画扇。”

    "If life could remain as our first encounter, why would the autumn wind lament the painted fan?"

    18. “万帐穹庐人醉,星影摇摇欲坠。”

    "Thousands of tents in the vast wilderness, people drunk, the starlight sways and almost falls."

    19. “上穷碧落下黄泉,两处茫茫皆不见。”

    "From the highest heavens to the lowest earth, both places are vast and empty, with nothing to be seen."

    20. “十年生死两茫茫,不思量自难忘。”

    "For ten long years生死茫茫,I think of you without desire, yet cannot forget."

