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  • 《游乐场英文情话给男友》  心中有首不朽的歌发布

    栏目: 表白情话 日期:2024-12-21 17:45:49 浏览量(来源:小常

    [摘要]当一个班级磨合到最和谐最默契的时候 那么离散也不远了。以下是网友  心中有首不朽的歌精选的游乐场英文情话给男友的内容。游乐场英文情话给男友(1)、别碰我。...

    关于《游乐场英文情话给男友》  心中有首不朽的歌发布的内容,下面是详细的介绍。





    1. Honey, as the Ferris wheel slowly ascends, I feel like we are floating in a world of our own. Just like this upward journey, my love for you is growing higher and higher with every second.

    2. Darling, looking at the beautiful scenery from up here on the Ferris wheel, nothing compares to the beauty of being with you. You make every moment special, just like this magical ride.

    3. Sweetheart, every time the Ferris wheel turns, it"s like fate bringing us closer together. In this colorful world, you are my only focus.


    1. Baby, riding on this carousel feels like we are in a fairy tale. And you, my prince, are the most wonderful part of this story that keeps spinning around in my heart.

    2. Love, each rotation of the carousel is a circle of happiness with you. I wish we could stay on this horse forever, just enjoying the simple joy of being together.

    3. My dear, the music of the carousel is like the rhythm of our love. It"s light, sweet and endless, just as my feelings for you.


    1. Babe, standing before this roller coaster, I suddenly realize that facing any challenge with you by my side gives me courage. Because my love for you is stronger than any thrill or fear.

    2. Sweetie, getting on this roller coaster is like taking a leap into the unknown with you. But I"m not scared, because wherever this ride takes us, we"re together, and that"s all that matters.

    3. Honey, this roller coaster may be fast and wild, but it can"t compare to the excitement of loving you. You bring so much passion and adventure into my life.




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