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  • 《合格率英文情话给男友》  牛魔王等红杏发表

    栏目: 土味情话 日期:2025-01-05 17:24:15 浏览量(来源:小周

    [摘要](1)、情话大全写给男友_表白情话_句子网, 我发誓,我是你一辈子最好的朋友与家人,跟我散散步,多花一点时间陪我你就会知道了。(2)、爱狗之人对狗和男友是如...

    关于《合格率英文情话给男友》  牛魔王等红杏发表的内容,下面是详细的介绍。





    1. My love for you is like the pass rate in an extremely easy test, always 100%. Because every moment with you is perfect and there"s no chance of failure or rejection in my heart for you.

    2. In this world full of uncertainties, you are the only thing that has a 100% pass rate in my life"s equation. You"re the solution I"ve been searching for, my dearest.

    3. If my affection were measured by a pass rate, you would be the standard that makes it always hit the top mark. Every glance, every touch between us passes the test of true love.


    1. Just as a high - quality product must have a high pass rate to ensure its excellence, you have passed all the tests of my heart with flying colors. Your presence in my life is flawless, like a product that meets every expectation perfectly.

    2. Our relationship is like a project where the success is determined by the pass rate of each phase. With you, every stage from meeting to loving has had a 100% pass rate, making us a perfect team moving forward.

    3. Love is a process that requires constant checks, just like ensuring a high pass rate in important matters. And when it comes to our love, every check shows that we are absolutely compatible, like two elements that always react positively together.



