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    栏目: 伤感情话 日期:2024-12-21 01:46:15 浏览量(来源:小郝






    ### 一、表达爱意类

    1. You are the sunshine of my life.

    - 你是我生命中的阳光。

    2. My heart beats for you every single second.

    - 我的心每一秒都在为你跳动。

    3. I love you more than words can express.

    - 我对你的爱难以用言语形容。

    4. In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine.

    - 在这个世界上,没有一颗心像你这样为我跳动。在这个世界上,也没有一种爱像我对你的爱。

    ### 二、赞美对方类

    1. Your smile is the most beautiful thing I"ve ever seen.

    - 你的微笑是我见过最美丽的东西。

    2. You have a beauty that makes everyone around you seem dull in comparison.

    - 你有一种美,让周围的人都显得黯然失色。

    3. You are not just a face in the crowd; you"re an angel who has come into my life.

    - 你不仅仅是在人群中的一张脸;你是降临到我生命中的天使。

    4. The way you laugh makes the stars jealous.

    - 你笑的方式让星星都嫉妒。

    ### 三、思念之情类

    1. Every moment without you is a moment too long.

    - 没有你的每一刻都太过漫长。

    2. When I"m not with you, I feel like a part of me is missing.

    - 当我不在你身边时,我感觉像是缺了一部分。

    3. I miss you so much that it hurts to breathe sometimes.

    - 我太想你了,有时候呼吸都会觉得疼。

    4. Without you near, even the sun seems cold.

    - 没有你在身边,即使太阳也显得寒冷。

    ### 四、承诺与陪伴类

    1. I want to be with you through every high and low, forever and always.

    - 我想永远和你一起度过每一个高低起伏。

    2. No matter what happens, I will stand by your side.

    - 无论发生什么,我都会站在你身边。

    3. You and I, we belong together for all time.

    - 你和我,我们应该永远在一起。

    4. From this day forward, you will never walk alone. I"ll be there to hold your hand and share your dreams.

    - 从今以后,你将不再孤单。我会在那里牵着你的手,分享你的梦想。




    1. "You are my sunshine, my rain, my everything."

    2. "You are the beat of my heart."

    3. "You are my love, my dream, my future."

    4. "You are my everything in life."

    5. "You are my soulmate, my best friend, my lover."

    6. "You are the key to my heart."

    7. "You are my greatest adventure."

    8. "You are my everything I ever wanted."

    9. "You are my love, my light, my hope."

    10. "You are my world, my everything."

