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  • 《旅游胜地英文情话》承认!不是错····的情话

    栏目: 告白情话 日期:2025-01-09 18:59:36 浏览量(来源:小窦







    1. On this beach resort, every wave seems to whisper your name. You are my endless horizon here, my love.(在这片海滨度假胜地,每一朵浪花仿佛都在低语着你的名字。你是这里的无尽天际,我的爱人。)

    2. Under the starry sky of the seaside, I wish we could stay like this forever. The sea is vast, but not as vast as my love for you in this travel paradise.(在海边的星空下,我希望我们能永远这样。大海很广阔,但没有我在这个旅游天堂里对你的爱那么广阔。)

    3. The sunset at this coastal destination is like a painting, and you are the most beautiful part of it. My heart belongs to you just as much as this place does.(在这个海滨目的地的日落就像一幅画,而你是最美的部分。我的心属于你,就像这个地方一样多。)


    1. In this mountain retreat, surrounded by towering peaks, I feel so close to you. Just like these mountains stand firm through time, my love for you will never falter.(在这处山间胜地,被高耸的山峰环绕,我感到离你好近。就像这些山脉屹立不倒,我对你的爱永远不会动摇。)

    2. The mist in the mountains makes everything mysterious and enchanting. But nothing can be more magical than finding you in this travel wonderland.(山间的雾气让一切都变得神秘迷人。但没有什么比在这个旅游仙境中找到你更神奇了。)

    3. These mountain trails have led me to many beautiful sights, but the most breathtaking one is being with you here. This place feels like our secret haven where love blossoms.(这些山路带我领略了许多美景,但最令人惊叹的是在这里和你在一起。这个地方感觉像是我们的秘密乐园,爱情在此绽放。)


    1. Wandering through the ancient town, hand in hand with you, feels like stepping into a timeless love story. Every old building here tells a tale, yet none is as sweet as ours.(漫步在这座古老城镇,和你手牵手,就像走进了一个永恒的爱情故事。这里每一座古老的建筑都诉说着一个故事,但没有我们的故事那么甜蜜。)

    2. This historic travel spot has witnessed so many things, but now it"s witnessing the birth of our deeper love. The cobblestone streets seem to lead us to an everlasting future together.(这个历史悠久的旅游景点见证了很多事情,但现在它见证了我们更深的爱的诞生。鹅卵石街道似乎引导我们走向一个永恒的未来。)





