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    栏目: 套路情话 日期:2024-12-17 16:43:05 浏览量(来源:小傅





    1. "You are my sun, my moon, and my stars. I love you more than words can say."

    2. "You are the air that I breathe, the water that I drink, and the light that guides me. I love you with all my heart."

    3. "You are my everything, and I would do anything for you."

    4. "You are my best friend, my greatest love, and my future. I love you more than words can express."

    5. "You are my soulmate, my other half, and my best friend. I love you with all my being."

    6. "You are my rock, my foundation, and my strength. I love you more than words can say."

    7. "You are my joy, my laughter, and my love. I would take all of this away from you if I could."

    8. "You are my inspiration, my motivation, and my hope. I love you more than words can express."

    9. "You are my dream, my passion, and my future. I love you more than words can say."

    10. "You are my love, my peace, and my happiness. I would take all of this away from you if I could."

    11. "You are my everything, and I love you more than words can say."

    12. "You are my heart, my soul, and my spirit. I love you more than words can express."

    13. "You are my everything, and I would do anything for you."

    14. "You are my love, my light, and my hope. I love you more than words can say."

    15. "You are my everything, and I would take all of this away from you if I could."
