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  • 星座运势
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  • 关于星辰好听的英文(带星辰的英文表白句子)

    栏目: 套路情话 日期:2025-03-17 17:41:54 浏览量(来源:小毕





    Here are some romantic English confession sentences with the theme of stars:

    1. \"You are my star in the darkest night, guiding me with your light.\"

    2. \"Among all the stars in the universe, you are the brightest one in my heart.\"

    3. \"Every time I look at the stars, I think of your eyes that shine brighter than them.\"

    4. \"My love for you is like the stars - infinite and everlasting.\"

    5. \"You turned my world into a galaxy filled with shining stars.\"

    6. \"With you, every night feels like stargazing under the most beautiful sky.\"

    7. \"If I could摘下 stars for you, I would fill the sky with their glow to match your beauty.\"

    8. \"In this vast universe, finding you was like discovering the most wondrous star.\"

    9. \"Your smile lights up my life just as stars illuminate the night.\"

    10. \"Even if we were separated by countless light years, my love for you would still cross the galaxy.\"

    These sentences use the imagery of stars and cosmos to express deep affection and admiration. You can choose or modify one based on your specific feelings and situation.




    1. Stars:这是最常用的词汇,用于指代夜空中的星星。

    2. Planets:行星这个词通常用来描述太阳系中的天体,但也可以泛指任何天体,包括星星。

    3. Constellations:星座是由多颗星星组成的图案,人们常常用它们来指代特定的星群。

    4. Celestial Bodies:这个词汇指的是天空中所有天体,包括星星、行星、卫星等。

    5. Heavenly Bodies:这个词汇也是指天空中天体,通常用于更浪漫或文学性的语境中。

    6. Solar System:太阳系,包括太阳和围绕它运行的所有天体,包括八大行星和其他小天体。

    7. Milky Way:银河系,是我们所在的巨大星系,包含数以千亿计的恒星,其中就包括我们的太阳。

    8. Nebula:星云,是宇宙中由尘埃、氢气、氦气和其他电离气体聚集而成的星际云团。

