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  • 金额低英文情话给男友做饭(达斡尔族主要姓氏)

    栏目: 套路情话 日期:2025-01-04 17:08:41 浏览量(来源:小方









    1. "You are worth every penny I spend on you, including the cost of my time and effort in cooking for you."

    2. "Your happiness is worth the price of my time and the ingredients I use to make your favorite dishes."

    3. "Every bite you take is a payment for the love I give you through my cooking."

    4. "The money I spend on groceries for you is just another way of showing my love and care."

    5. "I would do anything for you, even if it means spending my last penny on your favorite meal."

    6. "Your smile is worth the cost of my time and the effort I put into making your meals."

    7. "The money I spend on you is an investment in our relationship, just like investing in a good meal."

    8. "I would rather spend my last penny on you than on anything else, because you are the most valuable person in my life."

    9. "Your satisfaction is what makes every meal worthwhile, and that"s why I cherish the time I spend cooking for you."

    10. "The money I spend on you is a testament to my love and appreciation for all the things you do and the love you give me."

