1. “Education is the key to unlock new possibilities.”(教育是开启新世界大门的钥匙。)
2. “The cost of education is high, but the return on investment is even higher.”(教育的成本很高,但投资回报更高。)
3. “Knowledge is power.”(知识就是力量。)
4. “Education shapes our future, but it is our choices that define us.”(教育塑造我们的未来,但真正定义我们的是我们的选择。)
5. “The more you learn, the more you want to know.”(你学得越多,就变得越好奇。)
6. “Education is not just about getting a job; it"s about building a life.”(教育不仅仅是找工作,更是塑造人生。)
7. “The pursuit of knowledge is a noble endeavor.”(追求知识是一种崇高的追求。)
8. “Education can open doors that were previously closed.”(教育可以打开之前关闭的大门。)
9. “The more you invest in education, the more you invest in yourself.”(你投资于教育越多,就对自己投资越多。)
10. “Education is a journey of lifelong learning.”(教育是一场终身学习之旅。)