1. My love for you is like a business that can never be in deficit. Even if I try to calculate all the costs and benefits, every moment with you brings infinite returns, making any potential loss an impossible concept.
2. Baby, my heart has been in a state of “deficit” ever since you entered it. But this is not a bad kind of deficit. It"s as if all my emotional resources are being spent on loving you, and I don"t have enough left for anyone else, but I"m perfectly okay with this imbalance.
3. You know, my time with you always feels like it"s in surplus while my time without you is in huge deficit. Every second away from you is a loss that I can"t afford because you"re the most precious asset in my life.
1. Dearest, when I think about my life before you, it seems like there was a great void, an emotional deficit that only you could fill. Now, with you by my side, all those empty spaces are overflowing with love, joy and contentment. You"ve turned my whole world from a place of lack into one of abundance.
2. In this journey called life, meeting you has been the best investment I"ve ever made. Without you, my heart would have been in perpetual deficit, missing out on the beauty, laughter and deep connection that only you bring. I"m so grateful that I no longer have to live with that emotional debt.
3. My darling, loving you sometimes feels like a risk - a risk of losing myself completely in your love. But even if it means I lose some part of my independence or my old ways, it"s a deficit I gladly accept because what I gain in return - your love, understanding and companionship - is priceless.
1. 我们之间的爱情,就像一场无法挽回的悲剧,我试图挣脱,却越陷越深。
2. 爱情是场游戏,我玩得太过认真,以至于失去了自我。
3. 我承认,我犯了错,我选择了错误的爱,这是我此生最痛苦的回忆。
4. 当爱情来临,我以为找到了幸福,却没想到它带来了无尽的痛苦和挣扎。
5. 我们曾经的誓言,在现实面前显得如此苍白无力,爱情犯错,让我们无法挽回曾经的爱。
6. 爱情让我学会了成长,也让我体会到了失去的痛苦,我承认我犯错了。
7. 我试图用错误的爱来证明我对你的爱,却没想到你却离我而去。
8. 爱情如同泡沫,虽然美丽却又脆弱,我犯下了不可饶恕的错误,让我们无法再回到过去。
9. 我们曾经的美好时光,如今却成了彼此心中的痛,都是因为爱情犯错了。
10. 我承认我犯错了,我选择了错误的爱情,这是我此生最无法释怀的伤痛。