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  • 外面风大,跟我回家的英文怎么写(精选10条)

    栏目: 撩人情话 日期:2025-03-23 00:53:30 浏览量(来源:小成

    [摘要]1.微信漂流瓶撩妹情话_句子网, 亲爱的,消消气,都是小女人,正常的,你看你一生气,连带飚了两句英文,我的小心肝都快被你吓得跳出来了。2.26个英文字母的真...





    1. The wind is strong outside, please go home with me.

    2. It"s really windy outside, let"s go back home together.

    3. The wind is quite strong, I think we should go home.

    4. There"s a lot of wind outside, I suggest we head back home.

    5. The wind is strong, and it"s not very safe to be out. Let"s go home.

    6. The wind is blowing strongly outside, I think it"s best if we go back together.

    7. Outside the wind is quite high, it might be safer for us to go home now.

    8. Due to the strong wind outside, it"s recommended that we return home as soon as possible.

    9. The wind is very strong today, let"s go home together to avoid any potential danger.

    10. There"s a strong wind outside, and it"s not suitable for us to be out. Please come home with me.

