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  • 用英语说男朋友(形容男友的英文情话)

    栏目: 撩人情话 日期:2025-03-23 00:01:10 浏览量(来源:小邵






    ### 温柔型

    - You are my soft place to land, my heart"s gentle resting spot. (你是我的栖息之地,是我心灵温柔的停靠港湾。)

    - In your eyes, I see the calmest sea; in your arms, I find the warmest shelter. (在你的眼中,我看见最平静的大海;在你的怀抱里,我找到最温暖的庇护所。)

    ### 赞美型

    - My boyfriend is not just a star in my sky but the whole galaxy that lights up my world. (我的男朋友不仅仅是天空中的星星,而是照亮我世界的整个星系。)

    - With every word you speak, you redefine perfection. There’s no one quite like you. (你说出的每一个字都重新定义了完美,世上再无人能如你一般。)

    ### 承诺型

    - Every moment with you shapes the story of my life. I want you as the beginning, middle, and end of this tale. (与你共度的每一刻都在塑造着我的人生故事,我希望你是这个故事的开始、中间和结尾。)

    - You are my today, my tomorrow, and all the days after that. Forever is what I promise to you. (你是我的今天、明天以及之后的所有日子,永恒是我对你许下的承诺。)

    ### 幽默又甜蜜型

    - If being cheesy gets me closer to you, then pass me the cheese grater because I’m ready to go all out! (如果变得肉麻能让我更靠近你,那就把刨丝器递给我吧,因为我准备全力以赴了!)

    - They say opposites attract... well, we must be some kind of cosmic miracle since there’s no one else like us! (人们说异性相吸……那么我们一定是某种宇宙奇迹,因为再没有像我们这样的其他人了!)

    ### 深情告白型

    - Before you, love was just a word. Now, it’s an endless chapter written by us. (在遇见你之前,爱只是一个词。现在,它是我们书写的无尽篇章。)

    - The universe brought us together for a reason—I believe it’s so we could create our own little piece of forever. (宇宙让我们相遇是有原因的——我相信那是为了让我们创造属于自己的小小永恒。)


