[摘要]日子虽然平平淡淡,生活却是裹着酸酸甜甜;牵手虽然简简单单,爱情也是缠缠绵绵;只愿生生世世相伴,只到青丝白发满头。520,我爱你。 以下是关于《悲伤难过的英文句...
1. I feel so sad that my heart is breaking.
2. It"s hard to move on when you"re feeling this down.
3. My eyes are filled with tears, and my heart is heavy with sorrow.
4. I just don"t know how to deal with this sadness.
5. I feel so empty inside.
6. I"m at a loss for words because of my sadness.
7. This situation is really making me feel very sad.
8. I feel so不幸, it hurts.
9. I can"t stop crying because of my sadness.
10. I feel so down and out.
11. I"m struggling to find my way through this sadness.
12. I feel so lonely right now.
13. My heart feels like it"s been broken into pieces.
14. I feel so helpless and hopeless.
15. I"m struggling to find joy in anything at the moment.
16. I feel so overwhelmed with sadness.
17. My soul feels very heavy.
18. I can"t seem to shake this sadness off.
19. I feel so empty inside, like there"s a hole that can never be filled.
20. I"m struggling to find any reason to smile.
21. I feel so sad that I just want to stay in bed.
22. My heart is filled with sorrow and pain.
23. I feel so lost right now.
24. I can"t seem to focus on anything at the moment because of my sadness.
25. I feel so down that I don"t think I can go on.
26. My soul feels very heavy and empty.
27. I"m struggling to find any happiness in this situation.
28. I feel so不幸 that I feel like I"ve lost a part of myself.
29. I can"t stop thinking about how sad I am.
30. I feel so sad that it feels like my world has come to an end.